Wednesday 9 September 2009

School fundraising treasure hunt

Thanks so much Nikki. Having your email and your quick responses have given me a lot of confidence in the product. I have downloaded but have not yet read through the book. The party isn't scheduled until May 25 - but it will be sponsored by our parent's guild (a group of parents that do fundraising for a grammer school) and since we need to have our school year calendar of events completed for printing prior to school starting, it was really vital that I was able to determine if a treasure hunt would work. The venue will be our annual family picnic in a large community park and this will be the 1st year we will introduce a planned, structured game at this event - I am hopeful that it will become part of the school tradition. I will keep you posted!

Thanks again for all your help.

Take care,

Coleen Peters, massachusetts, USA

More details on a great Family Treasure Hunt here

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