Thursday, 30 August 2007

Treasure hunt in two parts and the final by torchlight

Thanks Nikki,

My daughter has now had her 13th birthday party. It was successful event! We have just over 1000m block or 1/4 acre block and the weather stayed fine for the evening. My daughter and her 15 guests started the treasure hunt half hour after the guests arrived and teams were picked by taking a slip of paper which had the team colours were written down.

The teams comprised of random members, some teams of three, some teams of two. We only had two officials so we modified the game slightly. 45 mins after the game started it was already dark so all challenges were held in the front yard under flood lights. All the girls participated, even the ones who don't normally participate in parties and games. I split the game in two parts. First part, all the clues were answered and the code collected and the winners were declared.

We then stopped for dinner, a tag tail game, bubbles and glow in the dark necklaces kept them busy for another hour or so. Then the second part of the treasure hunt continued. The winning team received their treasure map (tea stained, burnt around the edges, skull and cross bones etc) which led them to a starting point, which then led them to the back garden shed and with torches they found the next map and the key which then led them to the spade and onto the treasure buried in the back yard.

The treasure tin contained lollies, mini chocolate bars and caramels that were all wrapped in gold wrappers. This was the only sweets that the girls had. The theme was 'all for one and one for all' so the contents of the treasure chest was shared out. Everyone had a great time and one girl stated that she was going to have a treasure hunt for her birthday! One girl, notorious for not participating and going home early asked her Mum for a half hour extension. Four of my daughter's friends slept over and we showed 'Pirates of the Caribbean.'

I found and downloaded your treasure hunt game on the Thursday, shopped Friday afternoon and the party was held Saturday afternoon, plus my daughter attends her Art school Saturday Morning and I attend a guitar lesson Saturday afternoon so I only arrived home 15 mins before the first guests arrived. My daughter and her friend swept and decorated the garage, which we tend to keep tidy so we can use it as our party room. I basically pulled this together in three days with minimal help from my overworked husband. After the party my DH and I tidied up and were sitting down for our well deserved decaf coffee by 10.20pm.Thanks again Nikki we all had an excellent time. Cate from downunder

Cate Ranford, Western Australia

More details on a great Treasure Hunt Party Game here

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