Friday 2 November 2007

I'm running your cool treasure hunt game

We are in San Antonio Texas and will be running your cool game outside in our backyard. I received it immediately as an electronic download and that was the way I was hoping to get it rather than waiting for it in the mail. I read it the next day cover to cover like you suggested and already got some ideas for our version.

I was picturing parents up on a step ladder placing a water balloon onto a piece of plastic pipe held upright by their child and the child has to walk slowly keeping the pipe upright until they can tip it and dump the balloon into a bucket and go back for another.

The other task I had pictured was placing a key in a container with a hole only large enough for a child's hand so the parents can't do everything and can later say to the kid 'they couldn't have do it without the child' I've got a week...we'll see

Stephen Brown, Texas USA

More details on a great Treasure Hunt Party Game here

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