Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Anniversary treasure hunt was huge success

Hey Nikki,

I really want to Thank You for your support during my planning stages of the treasure hunt for The Quickel's 40th Anniversary Party! I am confident this party will be fondly reminisced time and time again, through the years, by the anniversary couple and their guests!! It was a huge success!

The tropical island theme worked really well. The island names were decided upon via 6 fond memories that Mike and Judy carry with them after 40 years of marriage. It really personalized the game! At each island station the teams found their challenge in a bottle (with sand and seashells) to replicate a 'message in a bottle'!

I am sending over a few pictures. Hoping you will enjoy them! Let me know if you have any trouble getting them to come up. Thank you again,

Robin Scharding, North Carolina USA

More details on a great Treasure Hunt Party Game here

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