Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Treasure hunt set up is little effort

We had a great time with the treasure hunt. Our big birthday party involves my two daughters, now 2 & 6, and their dad. All birthdays within 10 days.

We had about a dozen kids into the treasure hunt - some were a bit too young. Setting up three teams with an adult to lead each one, using the same locations but different clues, it worked out really well. Instead of giving out prizes along the way, we gave them tickets for achieving goals, which were used to get prizes from the treasure chest at the finish. This eliminates the problem of 'I don't like this'.

We even had a 'real' pirate to hand them out - a friend is a member of a Pirates of the Caribbean ship. The remaining booty in the treasure chest was used for goody bags for the young guests. The kids had a great time and were ready for cake afterwards. Between the bounce house, riding a real horse (we have a friend who brought one), and the treasure hunt the kids were totally worn out.

Then it became Dad's party, and the adults had a great time also. We did a treasure hunt for dad, and he was completely confused (we meant to do that) and had a great time.

It was wonderful that I was able to set this up with very little effort. By setting it up so that it doesn't matter if something goes wrong, everyone wins - everyone enjoyed it. I received lots of compliments on how great the party was. I look forward to using this on other occasions, as well as when the kids are just bored.

Thanks for your efforts - which saved me from making them

Sandy Walkington, Texas USA

More details on a great Instant Treasure Hunt using Riddles here

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